Current Weather
Atlantic City, NJ
- Humidity: 73%
- Barometer: 30.02 in (Steady)
- Wind: 16 mph NE16
- Visibility: 16 miles
- UV index: 1 (Low)
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7 Day Forecast for Atlantic City, NJ
Lo 41°|Hi 49°
Precip: 13%
Lo 48°|Hi 51°
Precip: 24%
Lo 50°|Hi 59°
Precip: 43%
Lo 36°|Hi 56°
Precip: 79%
Lo 41°|Hi 53°
Precip: 2%
Lo 46°|Hi 54°
Precip: 5%
Lo 39°|Hi 59°
Precip: 24%
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